This photo graph I took of a couple of my friends on my sorority bid day. All the girls have huge smiles on their faces like its the best day of their lives. They are all in matching clothes and have their hair and make up done. The thing about sororities now is it seems like so many colleges expect you to be in one now. A lot of people have the idea that if you are not in Greek like you are unpopular which is completely untrue, but unfortunately is become a huge thought in our culture.
I think that this is a strong image and also comments about how in sororities, it seems that they all look alike; everyone dresses the same every day, same glasses, same hair and they all sound the same. So not only is it reflecting on how to be popular in college is to become part of a sorority, but also giving the message that they all have to be the same.
ReplyDeleteMara Kenyon
These images do a great job of conveying your intentions. Your influences from Greenfield are clear but I feel that you made these enough your own through, as you said, shooting in black and white. Using your own friends and family really helps convey your passion of the subject.
ReplyDeleteWhoops above comment by William Lytle
ReplyDeleteThe concept that you used to guide your images was really intriguing. I feel like in each image the idea of girl culture was well portrayed and captured. I also really liked that you used black and white as your medium in some ways it added to your conventional ideas.
ReplyDeleteThe concept that you used to guide your images was really intriguing. I feel like in each image the idea of girl culture was well portrayed and captured. I also really liked that you used black and white as your medium in some ways it added to your conventional ideas.
ReplyDeleteTess Ferguson
ReplyDeleteI really like your pictures and feel they do a good job of portraying the point you are trying to make. Your photographs are different than Lauren Greenfield's, but share the same meaning through the pressures on women. This is shown in your pictures, especially in the sorority ones where the girls look nearly identical and are obviously under a pressure to fit into the same category of "normal".
Good job!
Kyleigh Gaylord
I really like your series. It does an amazing job of conveying girl culture as was your inspiration from Lauren Greenfield. Good job!
ReplyDelete-Amanda Phelan